1 JFK - It Takes
A Village
Fifty years after the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 59
percent of all Americans believe that there was a cabal behind the murder, while
only 24 percent believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Why does it matter
in 2013? Was it that the murder protected and further ensured the continued
development of that "New World Order" so coveted by Adolph Hitler and the people
who have controlled the U.S. government for the last 60 years and counting? Not
to ruin the surprise, but it all began with bankers.
2 The Truth About
the Truth
You ever wonder why those mainstream media journalists, around in 1963 and
thereafter, have held fast to the idea that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone?
Because if the truth is otherwise, all of their careers have been sham.
3 Mind
Compelling large swaths of the public to believe in and react to certain
things and to respond to certain triggers has developed under various names.
Madison Avenue calls it advertising, public relations, and marketing. Militaries worldwide
call it psyche warfare. It is the only thing that keeps the status quo in place.
Universal Caring
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is rolling out better in those states
that created their own portals for insurance shoppers, rather than leaving it to
the Federal Government to do it for them. Progressives are calling this a win,
as are some otherwise uninsurable customers. The big winners? The existing
insurance providers and their stockholders, of course.
Revisionist Theory
Oliver Stone's Showtime series on the "Untold" history of America is of a
piece with the tide of books contesting the truth of all that has happened,
anytime, anywhere. The RCJ
wonders if this is going anyplace? READ MORE
The Classless Society
Most Americans have grown up believing that they are members of the Middle
Class, though few have given any real thought to what a class system in America
even means. America, after all, has promoted itself as a "classless society",
which is a pretty treacherous boast, intended to say something noble about the
character of the average Joe. We give everybody an even break, a fair deal,
regardless of race or religious affiliation, or other such considerations. Or at
least, that's what we Americans like to think. One wonders about the downsides
of that in a world in which crazy economic imbalances have reached historic
proportions. READ MORE
Is Fidel Castro the 20th Century's Greatest Figure?
Americans will sometimes fall in love with a Vaclav Havel, or maybe briefly
with a Mikhael Gorbechev, but what of a communist who gives organized crime the
boot, provides universal health care to the people of his nation, and somehow manages to stay in power for a
half-century and counting without being overthrown by reformers?
Can You Hear Me Now?

Americans and citizens around the world quickly embraced "smart phone"
technology, touted for the new world convenience it provided: online banking,
directions-finding, shopping, games playing, personal GPS, detail of everything
they've done for every minute of every day, detailed personal preferences,
present location, identifying features, ethnic profile... Hey, wait a minute! No
wonder this year's word-of-somebody's-year is "Selfie"! We did it to ourselves!
9 The
Warren Report
Is Elizabeth Warren positioned to finally sink, once and for all, Hillary
Clinton's presidential aspirations; to deprive her of the historical first she
clearly desires? READ MORE
Generational Awareness
To many in the Baby Boomer Generation, the 1960s seemed like the dawning of
the age of Aquarius; one of those backwards churning 2,150-year (roughly)
astrological cycles that season the universe with certain qualities or
characteristics. The Age of Aquarius, which may or may not have begun already,
is projected to be a period of enlightenment and understanding. Young people
come of age in the 1960s gave themselves, for the obvious reasons, to the notion
that they were the avatars of this age of humanity and spiritual advancement.
That worked pretty well on cultural and social levels for a brief time, until
the hippies and those who adopted their fashion sense had to get jobs in the
1970s. The whole facade collapsed within itself at that point and the same Baby
Boomers who embraced the counter-culture went on to develop the most predatory
brand of capitalism the world has yet known. It might lead one to wonder if the
constellations have lost their authority. READ MORE
